History of changes and updates in the NEXT BASKET platform


New features




v. 2.33


New features

Promotions page

Store owners, can now easily showcase all discounted products, ensuring quick access for their clients. The page features seamless filters and utilizes the same efficient promo products API used on the homepage.

Blog link added to the second footer section

Site owners can now easily direct their clients to the blog listing page by accessing the blog link conveniently placed in the second footer section. The blog URL, retrieved from store settings, is now the last element in the second column, providing a seamless entry point to your blog.


Localized Terms and Conditions for Nigeria

In this update, Business Owner (BO) users in Nigeria accessing terms and conditions in the Back Office will now be directed to the specific terms applicable in Nigeria, simplifying compliance. The user's location, based on IP, will be captured and stored as needed. Additionally, the Back Office language will be English by default.

Instant Attribute filters on the Promotions page

In this release, we've added an effortless filtering of products by choosing attributes within a category. Selecting an attribute now redirects users instantly to the "Promotions" page, ensuring a quick and personalized shopping experience.

Streamlined Sign-Up page design

Introducing our redesigned and tailored Sign-Up page at Register | NEXT BASKET shop! Now organized into four zones, tailored for specific regions, including contacts and prices for The Philippines, Nigeria, Bulgaria, Rest of the World.

Enhanced link visibility in Blog Posts

We've improved the visibility of links in blog posts for a better user experience. Now, when a link is added to the blog content, it will appear in a distinct and easily noticeable blue color, ensuring effortless navigation and enhancing the overall readability of your blog posts.

Enhanced user registration cache management

We've improved the registration process for new users! Now, the cache for newly registered users is automatically cleared after completing the first step of registration. This enhancement ensures that user data is up-to-date and accurate throughout the registration journey.

New features

Edit single-user information

Partners with the appropriate permissions can now modify user information such as first name, last name, phone number, status (limited to Active or Not active status), associated companies, and roles.

Update the status in the product table

Shop owners can now effortlessly update the Enabled/Disabled status of their products directly from the products table with a switch toggle. This improvement enhances efficiency, allowing for quicker and more convenient control over product availability without navigating to individual product pages.

Default NB employee role

In this release, a default NB role has been introduced for NB employees, providing limited rights. Super Admins have exclusive control over creating and editing NB Roles, accessible through the new tab in Business > Roles.

Add og:image meta tag

We've introduced the og:image meta tag, ensuring that an image is displayed when links are shared. This update provides a more engaging experience when sharing content from your online store.

Added rel canonical tag on product variants

Now, when navigating between different product variants, the URL changes seamlessly without requiring a hard refresh. Additionally, an automatic rel canonical tag has been applied to all variants, ensuring that the canonical URL always refers to the main (grouped) product.

Import attributes with different language versions

Now, when importing attributes, Partners have the option to include different language versions. This enhancement provides greater flexibility for managing attributes across multiple languages.

Upload images with URL

We’ve introduced a new endpoint, enabling Partners to upload images using a URL. This feature provides added flexibility in image management, allowing seamless image integration from external sources into the platform.

Add an internal note to the product

Shop owners can now enhance their internal workflows by adding custom notes to products within the platform. With a dedicated text field available during product creation or editing, Partners can input notes of up to 2000 symbols.

Add canonical tags to the Home page

In this release, we've implemented a crucial SEO improvement by adding canonical tags to the Home page.

Change Blog status

Now, administrators can easily control the status of the blog through the addition of the "isBlogActive" field in tenant settings.

Subscription page for the Philippines

We've introduced a dedicated subscription page for our partners in the Philippines that provides a region-specific user experience. They will now be able to redeem a customized monthly and annual subscription offer valued at *₱* 4,300.00 and *₱* 34,400.00 respectively.


Update “Add to basket” notification

In this release, we’ve improved the UX with a new stylish “Add to basket” notification.

Forbid editing users in "Pending" status

Now, Back Office users can no longer edit the details of a user in "Pending" status. This update ensures that the information of users in the verification process remains unaltered until their account status is confirmed.

Additional information fields in the sign-up screen

We've improved the user registration process by adding mandatory fields for first name, last name, and phone number.

Add “noindex, follow” meta tag to register the page

In this release, we've updated the shop’s SEO by adding a meta tag “noindex, follow" to the register page.

New features

Export product URL

We’ve added a new export option, "Export URLs,". Partners can now download a CSV file, named , containing product names, translated in the requested language (or empty if not available), and their respective URLs.


Corrected handling of disabled blog post URLs

We've enhanced the application to optimally handle disabled or non-existent blog post URLs. Users attempting to access such URLs will now see a "Page not found" message, contributing to an improved overall user experience.

Improved presentation of the "Read more" button in Romanian

We've refined the Romanian translation of the "Read more" button on the blog page.

Improved display of creation date for blog articles

We've optimized the function for date visualization for the blog publications when the store language is set to Romanian.

New features

Paystack integration

We have successfully integrated Paystack with our system to enhance payment options.

Mass actions - Activation/Deactivation of redirects

In this release, we've introduced a new feature allowing users to efficiently manage redirects. Now, users can easily mark one, multiple, or all redirects in the table and activate or deactivate them using a mass action.

Introduction of Blog service

In this release, we've implemented a new feature: the creation of a blog service on the backend. This service will enhance our platform's capabilities, allowing users to manage and share blog content seamlessly.

Blog functionality added

Shop owners can now effortlessly create and manage blog articles. The new blog listing feature, accessible under Pages, offers a user-friendly interface for creating, updating, deleting, and viewing articles. The listing includes essential details like images, names, authors, short descriptions, publication status, dates, and action options.

Blog article creation

Shop owners can now effortlessly manage blog articles. The creation process includes essentials such as article name, image, slug logic application, author name, short description, WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor, and SEO-related fields. The default state for new articles is inactive.

Blog article update capability

We’re introducing the ability for shop owners to update their blog articles. This enhancement empowers Partners to manage and curate content seamlessly, ensuring they can provide valuable information and engage with customers through blog posts.

Blog article deletion functionality

We've added the capability for Partners to delete their blog articles. A delete button has been incorporated into the listing for easy removal. To ensure accuracy, a standard confirmation prompt is displayed before finalizing the delete action.

Blog listing page feature

This release introduces the blog listing page feature for store owners. Now, they can publish informative blog posts at “example.com/blog”, automatically sorted by date, with nine posts per page, each featuring a post name, creation date, a single image, a short description, and a "Read more" button.

Single blog post page

This release introduces the single blog post page feature for store owners. Now, Partners can publish individual blog posts at “example.com/blog/blog-article-name”. Each post includes author details, name, short description, meta title, meta description, slug, featured image, WYSIWYG content, creation timestamp, and an active/disabled state. The single post page, similar to static pages, displays the author's name and creation date.

Category listing enhancement - Description and FAQ display

We’re improving the category listing feature. Users can now view the category description and Frequently asked questions (FAQ) directly on the category page, providing valuable information.

Blog service configuration across environments

We’ve configured the blog service on each environment, ensuring consistent and reliable functionality across all platforms. Users can now seamlessly access and utilize the blog service features, enhancing the overall experience in every environment.


External domain deletion feature added

After this functional update, Back Office admins will have the ability to delete already connected external domains.

Mass action for deleting redirects

In this release, we've introduced a new feature in the backend, allowing users to perform mass actions for deleting redirects.

"Test Expired" status for shops

In this release, we've introduced the "Test Expired" status for shops. If a shop is in the "Test Expired" status, it will now be visibly indicated in the Back Office with the same behavior as the "Suspended" status.

Removal of feature toggle and new design for search results page

In this release, we've removed the feature toggle for the listing and search results page. We’re introducing the new results page design, enhancing website UX. The old page has been replaced as per the design, and relevant tests and old code have been updated accordingly.

Currency enablement in Feeds Microservice

In this release, specific currencies have been enabled in the Feeds Microservice for the shop currency. This enhancement ensures better compatibility and support for the designated currencies.

Addition of contacts link in header

With this improvement in header v3. Users can now benefit from a contacts link in the menu, placed at the end of the category list. This link is visible only if the enableContactUsNavLink configuration is set to true.


Translation bug in banner creation and update endpoints

This release addresses a bug where error text translations were missing for the "Create Banner" and "Update Banner" endpoints. Specifically, when setting the "activeFrom" date greater than the "activeTo" date for the bg_BG language, the error message was displayed in English instead of Bulgarian.

Translation bug in update Sender Address endpoint

We’ve removed a bug where error text translations were missing for the "Update Sender Address". Specifically, for PUT requests in the bg_BG language with a sender address ID not from the same shop or already deleted, the error message appeared in English instead of Bulgarian.

Fix for incorrect product table checkbox status

This release addresses a frontend issue where the product table checkbox was erroneously active even when there were no products in the store.

Brands translation issue in Bulgarian and Romanian

We've resolved an issue where the title for the “Brands” category in the main menu remained in English when the Back Office was set to Bulgarian or Romanian.

Attribute display issue in Wishlist product cards

In this release, we've addressed an issue where Attributes were wrongly displayed in product cards on the Wishlist, even when the "Show in product card" option was switched off for those attributes.

Sorting issue on Roles page for Super Admins

We’ve resolved an issue where incorrect sorting occurred on the Roles page when the user was a Super Admin. Now, when a Super Admin selects the Roles tab and sorts by the "created at" column, the roles from the "NB Roles" tab are correctly displayed, aligning with the expected behavior.

Translation bug in admin products error messages

We’ve addressed a bug where error text translations were missing for admin products. When executing any request for a deleted product using the BG_bg locale, the expected error message in Bulgarian was not displayed. This issue has been resolved, and error messages are now correctly translated.

SEO improvement for listing page with filters

We've enhanced the SEO strategy by adding "noindex, follow" to the listing pages with filters. Now, when a user navigates to a product category with filters or specific language codes, the pages correctly include "noindex, follow," contributing to better search engine optimization.

Storefront loading issue in new store creation

We’ve addressed an issue in the JET environment where, upon creating a new store without selecting a theme, the Storefront encountered an internal server error and failed to load. Now, regardless of setup status or theme selection, the Storefront loads correctly, displaying the added information from the store creation in the Back Office.

Currency issue

We’ve addressed an issue in the Sales > Orders section where updating the general shop currency led to unintended changes in the currency of existing orders. Now, when navigating to the Sales > Orders section after changing the shop currency, orders correctly display the currency they were originally made with, ensuring accurate transaction records.

Currency loading for Nigerian subscriptions

In this release, we've fixed an issue in the loading process for Nigerian subscriptions in the Back Office. Previously, there was a brief appearance of the European currency before the Nigerian currency loaded.

Variant display issue in newly created products

We've addressed an issue where previously created primary products and variants were incorrectly displayed on the Variants tab of newly created products with different product types and single-select attributes.

New features

Introducing product URL export feature

We're announcing a new export option in the NB platform! With the addition of "Export URLs," users can now download a CSV file containing all product URLs from their catalog. The file will be named , and it includes two columns: Product Name (translated as per the requested language) and Product URL.

Category import – XLSX, XML format

Introducing category import using XLSX, XML. Include Name, Old URL, Slug, Meta Title, Meta Description, Description, FAQ, Is Active, and Is Shown on the Home Page. The system trims spaces and ignores empty cells.

Subscription page for Nigeria

Exciting news for our NB Partners in Nigeria! A dedicated subscription page is now available for Nigerian users. Based on geolocation, if IP is Nigerian, Partners will experience a tailored subscription page with special offers. Integrated with Paystack, the page features two plans: monthly (₦35,000) and yearly (₦280,000).

Enhanced BO AG-Grid Users List

We're excited to introduce enhancements to the Back Office AG-Grid users list, providing a more comprehensive user experience. Now, BO users can access additional details seamlessly, ex., “NB Employee” column; “Edit Button” column; “Created On” column.


Enhanced shop currency management

We've introduced a feature that allows Partners to select and enable specific currencies for their shop. Now, they have more control over the currencies displayed, enhancing their shop's flexibility and customization.

SEO Enhancement - Adding “noindex” to specific pages

In this update, we've improved SEO capabilities by adding the tag to specific pages. This ensures better control over the visibility of these pages in search results.

UX Enhancement - Toggle wording and menu update

In this release, we've improved the user experience by refining toggle wording and updating menu labels. The wording of toggles for product publication on social media has been changed from "is published" to "publish”. In the menu, "Themes Store" has been renamed to "Themes" for a more concise and straightforward representation.

Paystack integration - User subscription webhook

Presenting an update to enhance Paystack integration. Now, a webhook has been created to capture new actions and subscription status changes for shops. This allows for real-time updates and tracking of subscription-related events. Additionally, all events, along with the complete request details, are now saved for future reference, improving overall functionality and monitoring capabilities related to Paystack user subscriptions.


CSV import issue fix for special characters

We've resolved a bug where, when product names contained symbols such as "&, #, ;," and were imported via CSV, the product images were not displaying on the front page and in the search bar.

Banner date discrepancy

We've addressed an issue where banner dates in the Back Office User Interface (Bo UI) were displaying a 3-hour difference from the database. When creating a banner, users noticed a mismatch of 3 hours between the entered start date in the database and the UI. With this update, the start and end dates now align correctly between the UI and the database.

Language alignment fix for Еcont office in Shipment details

We've resolved an issue where, during the confirmation step, the Econt office language was displayed in Bulgarian when the storefront language was set to English. Now, when proceeding to the next step after selecting Econt, the office details will correctly appear in English in the Shipment Details section.

Improved Facebook event tracking

We've removed an issue that was preventing the Facebook event tracking functionality. Previously, the ViewContent event only worked on the product page. Now, it's also detected on category, home, and static pages, ensuring a more comprehensive and accurate tracking experience.

Currency bug fix for Meta Advantage XML feed

We've resolved a currency-related bug in the Meta Advantage products XML feed. Previously, when the default currency on the storefront was EUR, the XML feed for Facebook incorrectly listed BGN. This issue has been fixed, ensuring accurate currency representation in the feed.

Payment methods icons fix in the footer

We've fixed a bug related to payment method icons in the footer. Previously, the Bank Transfer app icon wasn't responding correctly when switching between active and inactive states. Additionally, on some new stores, the icon did not appear at all.

Shop status transition fix

Resolved an issue where old "suspended" shops were not transitioning to "Test expired" status when the API endpoint was executed.

Storefront product page fix

We’ve resolved an issue where an error occurred when attempting to open a product page on the Storefront.

Password and account confirmation fix for Sasaki shop

We’ve resolved an issue where users on the Sasaki shop were unable to change their password or confirm their account.

Wishlist currency display fix

We’ve resolved an issue where, when adding a product to the Basket from the Wishlist page, the currency in the pop-up for the successfully added product was always displayed as BGN, regardless of the currently selected currency.

Password change email button fix

We’ve addressed an urgent issue with the password change email in molitvite.bg. Previously, the button in the received email for a password change request redirected to molitvite.bg , preventing customers from changing their passwords.

Issues with product images on adding from the homepage to the basket

Resolved an issue where product images were not displaying correctly when adding a product to the basket from the Homepage. The link now functions properly.

Incorrect display of product price for values above 90,000.00

Resolved an issue where product prices above 90,000.00 were consistently displayed as 90,000.00 on the Listing, Search results, and Product pages. Prices are now accurately reflected based on the set values in the Back Office across all relevant pages, ensuring consistency in price display.

New features

Weglot integration control

We've implemented changes to Jet for better control over Weglot behavior. Now, Partners can manage Weglot settings directly from the Weglot app/website.


Improved URL handling with backend redirection

We've enhanced Jet to query the backend for redirects. When a URL is called and NextJS routing doesn't match, Jet will ask the backend if there's a redirect for that URL. This ensures smoother handling of URLs and seamless redirection when necessary.

Enhancement - Retrieve all redirects and additional filters

This update enables the Frontend to retrieve all created redirects from the redirects database. Additionally, users can now apply filters based on the "Is Active" status and the "Page Type" column.

Dynamic meta robots tag management

We've introduced dynamic and global management of the meta robots tag. Now, Pаrtners have the option to control the meta robots behavior on their website, making it more SEO compatible. The header meta robots can be easily managed through the Back Office.

Shop status update - "Test Expired" added

We've introduced a new shop status, "Test expired." When a shop in "Test" status completes its free period, it will automatically transition to the "Test expired" status. Additionally, all old "suspended" shops without an attached plan will be moved to the "Test expired" status.

Shop currency update - Part 2

We've expanded the list of enabled currencies for the shop. Now, PHP, IDR, INR, GHS, ZAR, and KES are added to the shop currency options. Note that NGN is included in the main currencies, while the others are available behind a feature flag.

Warning for URL Slug Changes

We've added a warning message when changing the URL slug for products, categories, static pages, or brands. This helps shop owners make informed decisions about potential impacts on SEO and existing links while maintaining content visibility.

API Enhancement - Additional user sorting and filtering options

To provide more flexibility and customization when working with user data through our API, we've introduced additional sorting and filtering options for users. Now, users can be sorted based on their employee status (isNbEmployee) and creation date (created date). Additionally, a new filter by phone option has been added.

Adjusting rate multiplicator for Sasaki

The rate multiplicator for Sasaki, which was previously set at 1.8, has been updated to 1.2. This adjustment ensures accurate rate calculations from the supplier.


Fixed issue with size chart removal after import

We've addressed a bug where the size chart was unexpectedly removed from every product after completing an import of product information.

myPOS visibility issue in Orders

We've fixed an issue where myPOS was not appearing as a payment method in order details.

Visibility issue with banners on Design > Widgets > Edit slot page

We've fixed a bug where not all banners were visible in the "Available banners" section on the Design > Widgets > Edit Slot page.

Currency display bug in product export

We've fixed a bug where the product export file was displaying the wrong currency.

Fix for products disappearing issue

We've addressed an issue where products from the last page were disappearing when the "Clear All Filters" button was pressed. Now, when using the "Clear All Filters" button in the Catalog section, the products from the last page will remain visible as expected.

Resolved issue with PageView event

We've fixed the issue where the PageView event was not working.

Payment method filter issue - Bank Transfer and Cash on Delivery

We've fixed an issue where Bank transfer and Cash on Delivery were not appearing in the payment method filter on the Orders page.

Attribute type switch issue after import

We've resolved a bug related to attribute type switch after import. Previously, when the attribute type was switched, the attributes were turned off, and the store front displayed a numeric value from the export (either 0 or 1).

Catalog setting Save issue resolved

We've fixed a bug related to saving options in Settings > Catalog.

Meta/Google Feeds - "Include out-of-stock products" toggle issue resolved

We've fixed a bug where the "Include out-of-stock products" toggle in the "Specific Categories" section was not working as expected.

Mobile Profile Page Visual Enhancement

We've updated the visual design on the mobile profile page. The arrow next to the "Profile" now points down, addressing a visual inconsistency. This change ensures a clearer indication that tapping "Profile" will reveal the Orders history as another menu item, maintaining the same functionality.

Resolved issue - Error on Product page with old URL

We've fixed an issue where an error occurred when attempting to open the product page with an old URL.

Categories page - Import button visibility

We've addressed an issue where the import button was missing on the Categories page when no category was created.

Flutterwave app - Incorrect success message

We've addressed an issue where the success message displayed the wrong information. Now, after updating the Flutterwave App credentials, the correct success message, "Successfully updated Flutterwave," will be displayed.

Swagger Update - Corrected response fields for Category import

We've corrected the response fields in Swagger related to category imports. Now, the response will accurately display "allCount" instead of "allCategoriesCount" and "processedCount" instead of "processedCategoriesCount" for a more consistent and clear representation.

Success Guide - Fix for 404 Error on 'Configure general settings'

We've resolved an issue where clicking 'Configure general settings' in the Success Guide led to a 404 error page. Now, when you follow the same steps, you will be correctly redirected to Store > Settings > General without encountering any errors.

Email Notification - Typo correction in Test email toast message

We've fixed a typo in the toast message when sending a test email notification. The message now correctly displays 'Test email was sent successfully' instead of 'Test email was seent successfully'.

Header - Logo display issue on Desktop and Mobile

We've fixed an issue where the mobile logo was incorrectly displayed on desktop, and unavailable on mobile devices. Now, the standard logo will be correctly displayed on desktop, and the mobile logo will only appear on mobile devices as intended.

Permission issue for Company Owner - SEO settings

We've successfully addressed an issue where company owners were unable to access the SEO Tab.

SEO settings not saving changes

We've resolved an issue where changes made in the SEO > Settings tab were not saving and were being cached.

Interswitch App Save Issue

Encountering difficulties with saving the Interswitch App. When attempting to save after entering correct credentials, the page remains stuck in a loading state.

Clarification on Main product deletion

We've addressed an issue regarding the deletion of main products with variants. Previously, the first message in the Back Office incorrectly indicated that the products were successfully deleted, causing confusion. Now, the messages accurately convey that the deletion was not successful due to the presence of variants associated with the main products.

Error opening Product page on storefront

We’ve fixed an issue where attempting to open a product page on the storefront resulted in an error.

New features

Meta Advantage and Google Ads Integration

We’ve seamlessly implemented Meta Advantage and Google Ads product apps into our system, enhancing advertising capabilities with filter products by specific category option.

Search result page listing

Now, the search results page is available, listing all items from the search.

Mass Action – Mark multiple products as “New”

We’ve integrated a mass action that allows marking multiple products as “New”, saving the effort to individually change the status of each product.

A new SEO tab in the Marketing section

We’ve integrated a new tab in the Marketing section, titled "SEO," which allows active NB Partners with shops to manage their "index, follow" settings in the Back Office, enhancing their control over SEO management.

Delete connected external domain

We’ve implemented the option to delete a connected external domain from BO to connect a new or internal one.

Importing xlsx and XML Files as attributes and values

Now, the option to import xlsx and XML files when adding attributes and values is available.

Added Promo code component

We’ve seamlessly implemented a promo code section at checkout.

Enabled new currencies

We’ve enabled seven new shop currencies.

Deleted Product or Category redirection

Now, when a product or category is deleted, the user is redirected to the respective page.


Improved product UX in the Basket Page

We’ve enhanced the Basket Page with a new UX element, displaying product card components.

Wishlist displayed according to the selected theme

The Wishlist product cards are now displayed according to the selected theme of the store.

Improved UI in Email Management

We’ve improved the user interface of the mail receiver’s section in Email Management.

Added Footer in BO

Now, we’ve added a footer with contact information in the Back Office.

Removed Company selection option from Role invitation

We’ve improved the role invitation process by allowing NB Super Admin to remove Company selection when creating a new Super Admin.

Speedy – Updated settings

Speedy settings are now automatically created in the Apps page.

Wishlist - New configuration structure

We’ve updated the Wishlist page with a new configuration structure.

Product listing page – New configuration structure

We’ve updated the Product listing page with a new configuration structure.

Product page – New grid-style structure

We’ve improved the UI with a new Product page grid-style structure.

Wishlist UX design update

We’ve implemented a new UX design for the Wishlist page.

No results page placeholder

We’ve updated the no results placeholder page, removing filters and sorting options, allowing users to easily identify when no results are found.

Main menu formatting update

We’ve integrated formatting changes to the main menu.


Manual price filtering unavailable

We’ve fixed an issue where the manual price filter is unavailable for use.

Incorrect role options for adding new employees

We’ve fixed an issue where the only available role option in our system for new employees is Super Admin.

Sorting products by unwanted columns

We’ve fixed an issue where the user is able to sort Products by „Image“ and “Action”.

Invalid input for filtering products

We’ve fixed an issue where the user can add invalid input for filtering Products without being notified via a validation message.

Proxy does not redirect traffic

We’ve fixed an issue in the online store where the proxy was failing to redirect traffic to the appropriate server.

Wrong color in the copyright section

We’ve fixed a color issue with the copyright section in BO.

Search page not displaying new products

We’ve fixed an issue where the search page and filtering by “New” do not display new products correctly.

Wrong text for empty search page

We’ve fixed an issue with wrong text when opening an empty search results page in both Bulgarian and English.

Wrong checkmark icon size

We’ve fixed an issue where the checkmark icon has the wrong width and height.

Size chart title issues on iOS and Android devices

We’ve fixed an issue with the size chart title where the text overlaps on iOS devices and is missing on Android devices.

Listing page - Wrong button for grouped products

We’ve fixed an issue where grouped products were displaying an "Add to Basket" button on the Listing page, instead of displaying "View more”.

Wishlist – Add to Basket button displayed as a grouped Product

We’ve fixed an issue where non-grouped products are added to the Wishlist, and the Add to Basket button is displayed as one of the grouped products.

Wishlist - Wrong button for grouped products

We’ve fixed an issue where grouped products were displaying an "Add to Basket" button on the Wishlist, instead of displaying "View more”.

SEO page - Wrong Setting and Robots.txt design

We’ve fixed an issue where the design of Setting and Robots.txt from SEO page is wrong.

Deselecting wrong products

We’ve fixed an issue where products from all product pages are deselected, instead of the products on the current page.

Clear all filters bug

We’ve fixed an issue where the applied filter values remain after using Clear all filters.

Error in the Lighthouse accessibility tab

We’ve fixed an issue where the Lighthouse accessibility tab shows a “Links do not have a discernible name” error.

Category/Product page not opening

We’ve fixed an issue where the Category/Product page does not open after it’s deleted and imported again.

Internal server error

We’ve fixed an issue with our internal server, where a store crashes on smaller resolutions and mobile devices.

New features

Brand Listing page - Shop Owner's View

Introducing a dedicated Brands listing page where Partners will find a table displaying brand logos, names, and actions like edit and delete. They can sort the list by creation date or name, and there's a search option by brand name, just like in the Products section. To access this feature, go to Catalog under Categories.

New Brand creation

Partners can now create brands with unique names, logos (max 100KB), descriptions (1-2000 plain text characters), and unique slugs. A more streamlined brand management experience.

Update Brand

Partners can edit their existing Brands, making it easier to keep brand information accurate and up-to-date.

Delete Brand

Partners can now manage their offerings easily by removing outdated or irrelevant brands. This feature allows for the removal of brand records from the grid, and when a brand is deleted, it will also be removed from all associated products.

New Shipping Price Rule - Supplier rates + Fixed amount

Partners can now set up shipping methods that combine rates from the supplier with an additional fixed fee. Now, there’s the option to choose fixed rates, rates from the supplier, or free shipping, providing flexibility to cover operational costs.

Checkout address preferences

Partners can now set customer preferences for billing and shipping addresses during checkout.

Cash on Delivery Setup

Introducing a new "Cash on Delivery" app that allows setting up and managing cash on delivery as a payment method.

Prevent main product deletion

Partners can no longer delete main products by mistake. If someone attempts to delete a main product from the product list, the system displays an error message, preventing the deletion.

Shop statuses in BO

Partners can now view their shop's status in the Back Office. If the shop status is "test," it will be displayed as "Test (with X days of the test period remaining). If the shop status is "active," it will show as "Active," and if it's "suspended," it will appear as "Inactive."

Allow duplicated SKUs

Partners can now duplicate SKUs in their product listings. This new feature makes it easier to create product variations with minor differences. The change was made in response to customer feedback, allowing for a wider range of product choices.

New Sasaki theme - Product card

Introducing a new product card design as part of the Sasaki theme. This update includes changes like a triangular-shaped label, design enhancements, and displaying the discount percentage without a background, positioned near the price. Additionally, the old and new prices are now positioned next to each other for improved layout.

New feature - Create NB Roles

Now NB employees can have customized, limited rights attached to multiple companies. Only Super Admins can create/edit NB Roles.

Google Structure Data update for products

We've extended our Product - Schema.org Type structure data on product detail pages to improve indexing by Google. Changes include adding the 'category' property, updating the date format in 'priceValidUntil,' adding 'itemCondition' property, and including the 'URL' property for better SEO.


Out-of-Stock primary product behavior

In this update, when the primary product goes out of stock, the system will automatically choose the next available (in stock) product to display on Jet. If no in-stock product is available, the primary product will remain marked as out of stock.

Guest checkout settings

We have introduced guest checkout settings. This feature enables customers to place orders without creating an account, log into an existing account, or register a new account during checkout.

App extraction from Redux store

We have successfully extracted apps from the Redux store, resulting in improved performance and a more efficient app management system.

Expanded product import options

We've enhanced the product import feature, allowing users to now import products using xlsx and XML file formats.

Category and Sub-category import enhancement

We've improved the platform by allowing users to import categories along with their key details such as name, old URL, slug, meta title, meta description, description, FAQ, and activation status.

Streamlined Attribute and Values import

We've simplified the system for importing attributes and their values. Values are separated by semicolons, and both attributes and values can contain letters and numbers. Attributes must have language assignments. Existing values are ignored, and extra spaces are trimmed.

Econt shipping configuration - Part 1

Partners can now configure additional settings for the Econt shipping provider, allowing for more customized shipping options. This includes setting the default product weight, activating services for return and goods receipts, and handling specific service costs.

Econt shipping - New configuration options

Partners can now configure additional settings for Econt shipping, including “Default Product Weight (incl. decimal values); “Declared Value”; “Return Receipt”; “Return Receipt and Goods Receipt Service”.

Mass actions button update

Now, when no products are selected, the Mass action button will appear grayed out and disabled. It will only become enabled when one or more products are selected via the checkboxes, allowing users to take actions.

Econt provider settings update

Now, when you connect with Econt and the connection is successful (isConnected = true), the provider settings will be automatically created. Additionally, we've streamlined the process by having just one "Save" button for both forms on the App page.

Import Attributes and Values

Improvements in importing attributes and their values. Separate values with semicolons, use letters and numbers, specify language for attributes, etc. Max 256 characters, no extra spaces.

Edit robots.txt in Back Office

Site owners can now edit robots.txt in the admin panel (Marketing > SEO) to control search engine bot access.

Public endpoint for redirects

We've introduced a public endpoint for redirects. Now, when there's a call from the frontend with a URL, we'll check if there is a redirect associated with it and return it to the frontend.

Updates to login and register pages

We've made some design updates to the login and register pages, including adding a sign-up link to the login page and adjusting the design for a cleaner look on mobile devices.

Importing categories and subcategories

We've added the ability to import categories and their general information, including name, old URL, slug, meta title, meta description, description, FAQ, and more. The system now trims extra spaces in cells and ignores empty cells without deleting their current values.

Remove the product category from its Meta Title

We have removed the automatic addition of the category to the product's meta title for better SEO practices.

Update for the 'New Products' group in the endpoint

We've made an update to the 'New Products' endpoint to include group information in the response. This change enhances the details available for 'New Products'.

Feature flag implementation

We have implemented a feature flag solution that allows us to programmatically enable or disable validations when changing endpoints. This feature will provide us with greater flexibility and control over the behavior of our applications.

Econt provider settings hidden behind a feature flag

We have hidden the newly created Econt provider settings behind a feature flag. This change is aimed at improving the user experience by preventing confusion related to missing functionality.

Introducing billing address settings

As an NB shop admin, you can now set up billing address preferences, including making the postcode/ZIP field optional and allowing customers to request an invoice. These options are turned off by default.

Additional notes in Checkout

We’ve added an "Additional Notes" section in the Checkout process that allows customers to leave notes. It's deactivated by default, giving Partners more control.


The footer displays undefined text in Romanian

We have resolved the issue where undefined text was displayed in the footer when the store was set to Romanian. Now, the text is correctly displayed.

Email overlaps with the location in the Sasaki theme

We’ve fixed an issue in the Sasaki store theme, where when the email for suggestions and complaints is too long, it overlaps with the location on the page.

Footer logo issue

We have fixed an issue where users could click on the footer redirect button even when there was no site name or footer logo.

Missing "See All" button role on the Home Page

Fixed issue: For users with the "Handmade Haven" or "Joyful Journey" themes on JET, the "виж всички" (See All) category button on the home page was missing the "role = button" attribute.

Missing "Additional Amount" field for "Get Rates from Supplier" shipping method

Previously, the "Additional Amount" field was not properly displayed when selecting the "Get Rates from Supplier" shipping method. This issue has been resolved.

The “Get Rates from Supplier" field clears saving

We have fixed an issue where the "Get Rates from Supplier" field was getting cleared when saving a shipping method.

Resolved header/logo layout issue

We've fixed a layout issue where there was redundant blank space between the logo and the large search section, which was not the intended 56px spacing.

Mobile Wishlist button issue in Sleek Elegance theme

We've identified and resolved an issue where the "Add to Wishlist" button was unavailable on mobile devices in the Sleek Elegance theme.

Import status issue with GET products import info

We've fixed an issue where the import status remained as "awaiting" when executing a GET request for product import information.

An issue with changing main and additional categories

We've resolved an issue where when attempting to switch the main and additional categories for a product, the changes were not reflected as expected.

Renaming or Deleting Static Pages Linked to the Footer Has No Effect on JET

In the back office, when you rename or delete a static page linked to the footer, it may not reflect the changes in JET. We working to ensure that any modifications to page names or deletions are accurately reflected.

Shop status update fix

We've fixed an issue where the shop's status didn't update to "Active" after a user paid their subscription. A simple page refresh now correctly displays the "Active" status.

Additional amount value issue when creating shipping method

We’ve fixed an issue where when adding a new shipping method, the additional amount value is not displaying correctly.

Infinite loop issue with text and switch attributes on Save

When editing text, text editor, multiline text editor, or switch attributes after changing the default language of the store, an infinite loop occurs upon saving.

An issue with the hovered product card image

We fixed an issue where hovering over a product card with a single image displayed a blank image on the homepage.

Econt provider settings update issue

We've identified and resolved an issue where users were unable to save changes in Econt provider settings.

Top bar menu display issue in multi-store environments

We've fixed an issue where the top bar menu wouldn't display properly in environments with multiple stores, requiring unnecessary scrolling.

Inactive feeds link/button issue after app activation

We've resolved an issue where the feeds link/button was not appearing or remained inactive after installing and activating the 'Meta Advantage Products' or 'Google Ads' app.

Out-of-stock products not included with 'Include Out-of-Stock Products' toggle

We've fixed an issue where the 'Include Out-of-Stock Products' toggle did not include out-of-stock products. Now, when the toggle is active and you save, out of stock products will be included as expected.

Deselection of store and status issue on subscription payment

When a user pays their subscription in the Back Office and there are multiple stores within one company, the selected store is unexpectedly deselected. Additionally, the store status may not always be correctly updated to "Active." The errors are fixed.

Robots.txt page adds unexpected new lines

Fixed issue: When editing the robots.txt page and saving changes in the Back Office, an issue was observed where an unexpected new line appeared in the content.

Error when importing category with blank Google Taxonomy

We’ve fixed an issue where users were experiencing problems when trying to import a category with a blank Google taxonomy.

Translation Issue: cash on delivery not displayed in Bulgarian

We’ve fixed an issue where the "Cash on Delivery" option was not being displayed in the Bulgarian language.

Order ID issue on Orders page

We've resolved an issue where the Order IDs were not populating in the ID Column on the Orders page. Now, the Order IDs are correctly displayed in the ID Column.

Missing full stop in theme description

We have fixed an issue where the theme description for "Monochromatic Rhythm" was missing a full stop at the end of the second sentence. It now correctly reads, "This theme is suitable for clothing and accessory stores."

BO theme description language issue

We have resolved a language issue in the "Monochromatic Rhythm" theme description for the back office. Previously, the theme description was displayed in English for Bulgarian and Romanian shops. Now, it correctly appears in Bulgarian and Romanian as expected.

An issue with the Stripe description

We've resolved an issue in the Stripe app description within the Apps section (BO > Apps > Stripe). The short description for the app in the BO incorrectly mentioned PayPal.

An issue with saving Provider settings in Skynet

We’ve fixed an issue where Partners who use the Skynet application encountered an issue when attempting to save provider settings.

Cash on delivery icon issue

We've fixed an issue where the "Cash on Delivery" icon remained in the Payment Methods section of the footer even after removing it from the shipping method.

Fixed mobile display issue with long document titles

We have resolved an issue where the Product page on mobile devices would break when displaying documents with long titles.

Reduced excessive space in the download documents section

We've addressed and resolved an issue where there was too much blank space between the "Download documents" section title and the attached files on both desktop and mobile views.

Fix courier office list filters

After we’ve fixed an issue, the courier offices list for Econt, Speedy, and SkyNet will now display correctly even when filtering by address.

New features

SkyNet Integration

We've seamlessly integrated SkyNet into our system, enhancing our shipping capabilities with advanced features.

Interswitch Payment integration in storefront

We've added Interswitch payment support in the storefront, including the option to select it at checkout, with added translations, and a new page for Interswitch redirection.

Edit the site's robots.txt files for improved SEO

Now, it’s easier to edit your site's robots.txt file from the Back Office, allowing you to control which addresses the bots can access and preventing site overload.

New Product page design for enhanced user experience

We've implemented a fresh and improved design for Product pages, offering a better user experience.


Improved SEO with enhanced Organization & logo Structured Data Markup

We've enhanced the Organization and logo Structured Data Markup on the homepage.

Enhanced Product Structured Data Markup for improved SEO.

We've improved the Product Structured Data Markup for products, enhancing SEO.

Introducing unique short store IDs

Stores in NEXT BASKET now sport unique, concise 6-digit IDs, featuring a mix of numbers and, once the range is exhausted, a letter "A" is seamlessly added.

Current plan - Subscription information

Partners can now easily view their active subscription plan and its expiration date in the Back Office. We've added a new feature that creates a webhook for ChargeBee, ensuring receiving of notifications about paid subscription status.

Payment Methods Redesigned

We've revamped our payment methods to align them with the apps.

New app integration in Payment service

Seamlessly install the latest app in our payment service for enhanced functionality.

Access apps with ease in Payment service

Introduction of a new feature in our payment service.

Payment service app update

Enjoy the latest features and improvements with the updated app in our payment service.

App uninstallation in Payment service

Uninstall the app from our payment service.

New apps in the Payment Service

Discover a range of applications with the newly created endpoint for fetching all apps from our payment service.

ePay Redesign as an App

We have redesigned ePay to be accessible as an app in the Apps section, moving it from the payments configuration section.

User Information Sync - Enhanced Hubspot Experience!

Now, when a user verifies their email in the NB Platform, their names and phone information will be seamlessly updated in Hubspot for an improved user experience.

Improved Category tree visualization on the Product page

We've enhanced the Category tree visualization in the Main and Additional Category drop-down menus on the Create/Edit product page, making it easier for shop owners to accurately categorize their products.

Borica integration upgrade

Improved payment methods design by seamlessly moving Borica integration from payments configuration to a dedicated app, enhancing user experience.

Streamlined Payment Experience with Stripe

Elevating our payment methods, we've migrated Stripe from general configurations to a dedicated app, ensuring a smoother and more secure payment process.

Enhanced payment flexibility with bank transfers

We've upgraded the payment processes by relocating the Bank Transfer option from general configurations to a dedicated app, providing a more tailored and secure transaction experience.

Elevate Your Payment Experience with MyPos

We've revamped the payment landscape by shifting myPos from general configurations to a dedicated app, ensuring a seamless and enhanced payment journey.

Limitation of parcel quantity to 1 for Econt and Speedy.

Currently, for every product in the shopping cart, a parcel is added. Since there’s a limitation of 10 parcels, we want to set the limitation to 1 to avoid errors on checkout.

Design changes for "Out of Stock" products

Opacity is now applied only to out-of-stock product images rather than the entire image card. The "Out of Stock" label features white text on a black background and is centered on the product image within the product card.

Adding GTM to my.nextbasket.shop

We are implementing Google Tag Manager (GTM) code in my.nextbasket.shop This will help us track user behavior and gather important data.

Database enhancement - Transfer old product URLs to a new table

We have transferred old product URLs to a new table in the database to enhance our system.

Improved SEO settings for active shops

We have enhanced SEO settings for active shops. Now, NB Partners with a shop in "active" status, can easily manage their "index, follow" settings from the Back Office. This improvement allows better control over the shop's SEO.

Disconnecting external domain grimzona.bg from shop

The domain name grimzona.bg, previously used for email notification testing, is being disconnected from shop 6dab27d9-d7df-45e3-894e-95204816677f, as it's not the actual Partner domain.

Storybook data update

The Storybook has been updated to use accurate data, ensuring the correct display of all components.

Shop domain name change

The domain name for the shop with Tenant ID 09147516-27e6-48c9-8d51-2b33276d38f7 has been updated in the PROD environment.

Enhanced Google BreadcrumbList Structured Data

The Google BreadcrumbList Structured Data has been improved for more accurate indexing, starting from the first element, displaying all elements as separate list items with names and URLs, and optimizing URL placement.


Adding products to Basket

We’ve fixed an issue where products couldn’t be added to Basket on the Category page.

Speedy delivery price issue for more than 10 products in the basket

We've fixed an issue where the delivery price showed as “0” on the Address step when more than 10 products were added to the basket.

Swagger request error fix for Bank Transfer and Cash on Delivery

Fixed error occurring for Bank transfer and Cash on delivery during POST/PUT/GET requests on Swagger, ensuring smooth execution without displaying errors.

Cash on Delivery 'isInstalled' Fix for POST Request

Resolved issue where 'isInstalled' for Cash on Delivery was erroneously set to false after executing a POST request, now ensuring it is correctly set to true.

Slider fix: Stay in category

We’ve resolved an issue where storefront customers were redirected to the home page after using the price range slider.

Cash on Delivery checkout fix

We’ve resolved an issue preventing order completion when using only Cash on Delivery payment method; now, customers can seamlessly complete their purchases.

Seamless shopping restored: Buy button position bug

We've fixed a bug affecting the Buy button position for an online store in product showcases, ensuring a smooth shopping experience.

Smooth shopping experience restored: Polish office load issue resolved

We've fixed a bug that caused the page to freeze when loading Polish offices, ensuring a seamless and responsive storefront for an enhanced shopping journey.

Enhanced shipping method settings: Additional amount of text display fixed

We've resolved an issue where the "Additional amount" text wasn't displaying correctly in the shipping method settings, ensuring a smoother experience for users when adding shipping methods.

Shipping method quirks resolved: "Get Rates from Supplier" field now stays populated

We've fixed an issue where the "Get rates from supplier" field was unexpectedly clearing upon saving, ensuring your entered amounts stay intact for a smoother experience.

Error messages appearing in the wrong language in the Back Office

We've resolved an issue where, in some instances, error messages were in BG instead of EN in the Back Office.

"Bank transfer" translation in the Back office

We’ve fixed an issue where the wording "Bank transfer" appeared instead of “Банков превод” when the Back office is set to BG language.

Saving Epay app status

The Epay app, when switched to "Active" status, can now be successfully saved in the Back Office, ensuring uninterrupted payment processing.

Epay key text adjustment

The "Epay key" text in the Epay app settings has been refined to align with the design, now referred to as "Secret key" for improved comprehension.

Epay app validation error messages aligned with system language settings

We’ve removed an issue where validation error messages in the Epay app appeared in BG language, even when the Admin panel was set to EN.

Inactive "Save" button on Epay after field deletion

We’ve fixed an issue, where the "Save" button on the Epay app page becomes inactive when you delete the already populated fields and fill them in again.

Unable to change bank transfer app status to Active

We’ve fixed an issue where Partners encountered an issue when trying to change the status of the Bank Transfer app to "Active".

Listing page link text size issue

A fix has been applied to the issue where the "home page" link text on empty listing pages was displayed with a 16px font size instead of the expected 18px size.

Error for „State of province“ field is displayed when clicking on the Save Borica app.

We’ve fixed an issue where an error was displayed for the "State of province" field when clicking the Save button for the Borica app.

Improved text formatting on Product page

We've fixed an issue where adding bullet points or numbering in the Full description section of the Back Office now correctly displays the formatted text on the Product page's Description section.

Wishlist counter not decreasing for inactive products

We’ve resolved a problem where when a product that was previously added to the Wishlist becomes inactive, the Wishlist counter does not decrement.

Improved text formatting on Product page

We've fixed an issue where adding bullet points or numbering in the Full description section of the Back Office now correctly displays the formatted text on the Product page's Description section.

Incorrect Text for "MyPos."

We’ve fixed an issue where in accessing the Apps section, the text "MyPos" is displayed incorrectly as "MyPos," when it should be "MyPOS."

An issue with MyPOS payment

We’ve fixed a problem, where users were experiencing issues when attempting to complete an order with MyPOS, resulting in Error 500.

Breadcrumbs size issue on the Category page

We’ve fixed an issue where the breadcrumb sizes on the Category page are displayed as 16px and not the necessary 14px.

Product page/Overview Section - Full description font size issue

We addressed an issue where the font size of the full description in the Overview section was 16px instead of the expected 14px.

Product page/Accordion menu - Issue with bold attribute names

We have resolved an issue where the main accordion menu sections and attribute names in the Product Specs section were not displaying in bold as intended.

Borica Test Mode Fields Issue

We have addressed an issue where Borica Test mode fields could not be saved after switching from Production (Prod) mode to Test mode.

Improved success messages for CSR and CER certificate actions

We have enhanced the success messages for actions involving CSR and CER certificates in the Borica app to provide clearer and more accurate feedback.

Added Canonical tags to the "Contact Us" page

We have added canonical tags to the "Contact Us" page to improve search engine optimization.

The “Out of Stock” label is displayed twice on some themes.

We’ve removed an issue, in which when visiting the home page of certain themes and navigating to an out-of-stock product, the “Out of Stock”/“Изчерпан“ label is displayed twice.

“Out of stock labels” font size should be 14px

We’ve fixed an issue where, when visiting the home page and viewing an out-of-stock product, the font size of the “out of stock” label is currently 16px.

SkyNet app switches inside the Create Provider Settings toggle back after being saved

Fixed issue: While creating provider settings in the SkyNet App, if the user enters a country, sender address, and toggles the "Ships to office" and "Ships to address" options, then clicks Save, the toggles switch back to the opposite direction upon saving.

The landscape image overlaps the main product image

We’ve fixed an issue where on the Category page, when a product contains a landscape image, the landscape image overlaps the main product (portrait) image.

SEO - Breadcrumbs do not include "Domain"

We’ve fixed an issue where the breadcrumbs links do not contain the "domain" in their URLs.

Product page/Accordion Menu - Display Issues in Overview and Product Specs

The text in the Overview section is incorrectly displayed, and the Attributes table in the Product specs is unavailable, showing as plain text when expanded.

Borica payment method - Order Failure

We’ve fixed an issue where, when selecting the Borica payment method, the order fails at the Confirmation step when entering card details.

Borica app error message - Incorrect when uploading CER certificate

We’ve fixed an issue, where an error message is displayed incorrectly when uploading the CER certificate for Test mode while in Prod mode.

Empty “Payment method” field on the Order page when using Borica

We’ve fixed an issue where the payment method field on the order page is empty when making an order with the Borica payment method.

Misalignment of the "Add to Cart" button for “Out of Stock” products

We’ve fixed an issue where the "Add to Cart" button for “out of stock” products is not aligned with the "Add to Cart" button for available products on both mobile and desktop.

Misalignment of the "Out of Stock" label on the mobile version

The "out of stock" label on the EN mobile version spans two rows instead of one, causing misalignment.

Missing test mode options in Payment Apps.

We’ve fixed an error causing the lack of test mode options for payment apps.

Enhancing Google Structure Data - Website information

We've improved the Google Structure Data for websites. Now, the website name correctly displays the shopName from getShop, ensuring that it's more accurate. This enhancement will help search engines better understand your website's information.