Every intelligent business decision is based on data, and this is especially true for financial information.

That’s why NEXT BASKET allows you to track and analyze the financial results of your business and make informed decisions that stimulate its growth.

From integrated web analytics tools and accounting information to professional consulting services – we offer you a 360-degree solution for financial reporting across all your trading entities.

What Financial Information Can You Get from the Platform’s Administration?

NEXT BASKET comes with ready-made integrations with many external applications where you can track various types of information: revenues, seasonality, number of orders through each sales channel, and more.

You can use these tools independently or request a secondary analysis prepared by our team, which will help you understand, organize, and effectively use the available data.

Number of Orders

Monitor your sales by watching the number of orders your site generates for each market and language version.

Our platform provides real-time updates, allowing you to track your business’s progress and assess changes in customer demand.

Additionally, you can get information about the number of sales segmented by various criteria, such as:

  • Sales for a specific past period
  • Comparison of sales in different periods
  • Orders by product type or product group
  • Orders by device type and user location
  • Number of orders according to the sales channel used
  • Additional orders from cross-sales, etc.

When used correctly, the information obtained is much more than historical data – it becomes the foundation for future strategies.

Revenues from Different Channels

Segmenting by sales channels and payment methods will answer two essential questions:

  1. Where is your business performing well?
  2. Where could it perform even better?

With NEXT BASKET, you’ll work with a unified dashboard where you’ll see your sales by channels – physical and online store, marketplace platforms, affiliate partners, and all other elements of your sales mix.

Additionally, you’ll have transparent data on your revenues according to the payment method:

  • Cash on delivery
  • Credit or debit card
  • Bank transfers
  • PayPal payments
  • Apple Pay payments
  • Google Pay payments, etc.

This comprehensive breakdown will allow you to identify the most profitable channels and make data-driven decisions to realize your business’s full potential.

Incurred Expenses by Types

Освен за приходи и продажби NEXT BASKET ти дава и пълна прозрачност по отношение на разходите.

В Платформата можеш да заявиш и проследиш разходите по различни направления, включително:

  • Покупка на стоки
  • Маркетинг и реклама
  • Върнати или непотърсени пратки
  • Данъчно-счетоводни баланси и др.

Познавайки модела на разходите, ще можеш да отчиташ областите, в които е възможна оптимизация с цел повишаване на рентабилността.

Gross Margin

Analyzing the gross margin allows you to assess the profitability of your business.

NEXT BASKET provides the necessary tools to calculate and monitor the gross margin, which reflects the revenues from sales obtained after deducting expenses.

This valuable indicator allows you to evaluate and rethink the pricing strategies used so that your business yields the dividends you expect.

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